Boston Classic Car Club showcases motors to 71,000-plus people and other Neighbourhood News

Boston Classic Car Club at the NEC, in Birmingham.Boston Classic Car Club at the NEC, in Birmingham.
Boston Classic Car Club at the NEC, in Birmingham.
Members of Boston Classic Car Club displayed six of their cars to an audience in its tens of thousands at the Lancaster Classic Motor Show at the NEC, in Birmingham, recently.

The showcase is the largest indoor event of its type in the UK, with more than 300 classic car clubs exhibiting.

More than 71,000 visitors from all parts of the world made 2018 the best supported show ever.

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Boston Classic Car Club exhibited six vehicles in all at the Lancaster Classic Motor Show.Boston Classic Car Club exhibited six vehicles in all at the Lancaster Classic Motor Show.
Boston Classic Car Club exhibited six vehicles in all at the Lancaster Classic Motor Show.

On show were Don and June Wilson’s Wolseley 15/50, Malcolm and Jane Webb’s Montego Vanden Plas, Nigel and Sue Haines Mini Cooper S, Brigett and Howard Stott’s Triumph Herald convertible, Peter and Jane Hermite’s MGB and Phil and Wendy Horn’s Morris 1000 van. Thanks are given for their support.

Anyone interested in the club, can contact chairman John Simpson on 01205 369146 for more information.

Picture: Jane Webb and Shirley Baxter.


Another view of the car club's display.Another view of the car club's display.
Another view of the car club's display.

* Mayflower Probus

President David Ogden opened the November luncheon meeting at The Boston and County Club with a warm welcome to more than 50 members. He then requested a moment of silence in memory of Probian Bob Faulkner who passed away recently.

Other club news included the award of life membership to Ron Thacker and notice of a Sunday Christmas lunch on December 16 (bookings should be made with Alan Dunnett).

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Outings organiser Arnot Wilson gave details of upcoming trips to Bateman’s Brewery and the Bubble Car Museum. There are still vacancies for the annual holiday trip to the Isle of Wight, members heard (applications should be made to Arnot as soon as possible).

After the lunch, guest speaker Terry Aldridge gave an informative and detailed talk on the issues associated with prostate cancer. This drew on his own experiences and included information on symptoms and treatments available.

The next meeting takes place on Thursday, December 16.


* Friends

Friends of Frampton Churches’ next event is Songs from the Shows and a Little Bit of Christmas.

Music will be provided by the Haven Singers with flute soloist Gill Walsh.

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It will take place at St Mary’s Church, Frampton, on Sunday, December 2, at 2.30pm.

Tickets are priced at £5, which includes tea/coffee and a mince pie.

Enquiries: 01205 722191.


* Forties

Amanda and Steve of The 40’s Home Front presented an evening of 1940s’ song and dance in Gosberton Public Hall on Friday.

The hall was decorated with Union Jack bunting and flags, with displays of wartime posters, and many guests were dressed in period costume.

The evening was organised by Rowland and Rona Perry.

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Rona was door steward and raffle tickets were sold by Sue Wayman. Rowland baked a wide selection of cakes which he served, helped by Rona, Les Stevenson, Sue, and Phyllis Baxter.

Steve thanked Rowland and Rona for organising the event.

* Women’s Institute

President Jenny Pocock welcomed members and one visitor to the Public Hall for the November meeting of Gosberton Women’s Institute (WI).

The speaker was Christine Meggitt who spoke about the time she spent in Thailand, helping with the rice harvest and enjoying the festivals and celebrations put on by the local farming community.

Jenny provided the refreshments, assisted by Delcy Moore, and Jenny also won the raffle.

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The WI is celebrating Christmas at the next meeting, due to be held on Tuesday, December 11, when Susan Farrent will be demonstrating seasonal flowers.

There will be a raffle and a seasonal buffet, and members are asked to contribute to the buffet table.

Jenny also showed a ‘post box’ she has made to give members the chance to donate to LIVES instead of spending money on Christmas cards. She said that the emergency medical charity relies on donations and had attended more than 24,000 calls this year.

Visitors are welcome to the meetings. Enquiries to the secretary Eileen Johnson on 01775 750553 or [email protected]

* Royal British Legion

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The Gosberton and District Branch of the Royal British Legion marked the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War on Saturday with a concert in the church of St Peter and St Paul.

The Rev Ian Walters welcomed the large audience to the event.

After the Act of Homage recited by Major Ron Meredith, the band – under the baton of Steve Ingham – performed a wide selection of music including a medley of many popular tunes known to the forces of the First World War.

During an interval, cakes made by Debbie Reynolds were served with tea and coffee by Debbie, Tracey Eyett, and Pat Walters.

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