Vehicles caught doing burnouts and donuts in Skegness car park over Easter

Some people may think doing donuts in the car park is  harmless fun, but police say regular anti-social vehicle use can have a wider impact on a neighbourhood or community.Some people may think doing donuts in the car park is  harmless fun, but police say regular anti-social vehicle use can have a wider impact on a neighbourhood or community.
Some people may think doing donuts in the car park is harmless fun, but police say regular anti-social vehicle use can have a wider impact on a neighbourhood or community.
Three hundred cars that descended on a Skegness car park for a meet on East Sunday were checked by police and 12 Traffic Offence Reports (TORs) issued.

Officers from the Roads Policing Unit as well as officers from the Skegness Neighbourhood Policing Team attended the Festival car park following concerns about dangers to the pubic and anti-social behaviour.

Traffic Offence Reports were issued for offences of tints on windows to driving without due care.

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Around 50 cars displaying illegal number plates, had window tints, and other modifications were stopped, and drivers were also given a Section 59 warning.

Lincolnshire Police issues Section 59 warnings if someone drives or rides a vehicle in an anti-social manner. The driver as well as the vehicle can be warned and issued with a suitable notice that lasts for 12 months. A second Section 59 warning can mean the vehicle may be seized.

Five cars caught doing burnouts and donuts at the car park were also stopped and issued Section 59 warnings. A BMW and a Vauxhall Corsa were also seized for no tax and for a second Section 59 warning.

All illegal modifications and amendments were removed after the warnings were issued.

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Coast Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector, Jacky Evans, said: “Some people may regard this kind of vehicle use, including doing donuts in the car park, as harmless fun, but regular anti-social vehicle use can have a wider impact on a neighbourhood or community.

“Drivers and riders risk injuring themselves, other road users or even pedestrians as they do not have proper control of their vehicles and performing stunts or tricks like donuts can also cause noise nuisance that affect the area. Cars fitted with illegal modifications can also be unsafe for the driver and others around them.

“We do not attend these car meets to spoil the fun for anyone. We are glad that the people we engaged with on Sunday took our advice on board in a really positive manner and we hope this kind of interaction continues in other car meets we attend.”