Hope Springs Eternal holds Peace Vigil for Gaza

The Vigil held by Hope Springs Eternal in Louth on Friday.The Vigil held by Hope Springs Eternal in Louth on Friday.
The Vigil held by Hope Springs Eternal in Louth on Friday.
​As the war continues in the Middle East, people came together in Louth last week to send positive thoughts and hope to those affected, and you are invited to join them every week until it ends.

​Hope Sings Eternal street singers held their first Peace Vigil for Gaza on Friday (January 19) from midday until 1pm in Louth market place, where those who gathered held up signs calling for peace and an end to Israel’s war on Gaza.The vigil was led by Tamsin Hunkin, who felt a desire to bring the situation of Gaza to the town, and to stand in solidarity with all victims of the bombing.

"We gather to remember and mourn the many people killed over the last few months, to keep calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and Israel and for the safe return of all held hostage,” she said.

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