Thanks to community after burst pipe decimates warm space in Trusthorpe

Trusthorpe village hall was flooded and lost about 2,000 of their books.Trusthorpe village hall was flooded and lost about 2,000 of their books.
Trusthorpe village hall was flooded and lost about 2,000 of their books.
After a flood has decimated their village warm space and thousands of their books, Trusthorpe’s village hall committee is now aiming to restock their supplies.

Trusthorpe village hall suffered a devastating flood just before Christmas due to a burst pipe in the false roof and lost more than 2,000 of their books which were part of the library those using their ‘warm space’ were able to read or swap.

Trusthorpe Village Hall was re-opened following its extensive revamp back in August, and now the committee have set about making the hall the hub of the community and put their newly-refurbished hall to good use with warm spaces to be held every Monday until March 2023.

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But when water began pouring through the ceiling in the men’s toilets six days before Christmas, the committee put an urgent appeal on their Facebook page for help – which they received in spades.

Spokesman Kim Parrinder said: “The community were fantastic, we put out an appeal for help and within ten minutes, we had ten people come along and had the hall cleared out in time for people arriving for the warm space.

"We’d like to thank the community for their help and pulling together in our hour of need.”In order to boost their funds after this setback, the village hall committee have decided to host a book and DVD sale next Saturday (January 28) to keep their warm space going.

The book fair will be held from 11am to 4pm and all are welcome to come and support the committee’s warm space.

If anyone has any paper-back books they can donate to the warm space, you are invited to drop them off at the village hall.

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