Scampton: Man caused more than £8,000 worth of damage to neighbour’s home

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Gainsborough Standard In Court logo
A man who smashed up his neighbour’s home causing £8,000 damage after losing his temper has been spared jail.

Nathan Adams, 32, of Second Avenue, Scampton, avoided a prison sentence after a judge accepted he had acted out of character.

Adams admitted entering the home of his neighbour, Anthony Colledge, while he was out and smashing 22 windows with a claw hammer.

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A wooden gate, fence, window blinds and television were also destroyed, with further damage caused to a sofa, flooring, table and dog cage.

Lincoln Crown Court heard the background to the criminal damage on 14th September last year was an ongoing neighbour dispute between Adams and Mr Colledge, who lived next door.

Mr Colledge was out playing football when Adams entered his property at about 3pm through two rear gates, the court was told.

Hannah Whelan, prosecuting, said: “Armed with a claw hammer he caused damage to the majority of the windows at the back of the house. There were 22 in total which were damaged.”

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