Skegness’ Tower Esplanade set for £400k improvement scheme

Councillor Steve Kirk, Sam Robbens and Councillor Mark Dannatt with an artist's impression of the completed workCouncillor Steve Kirk, Sam Robbens and Councillor Mark Dannatt with an artist's impression of the completed work
Councillor Steve Kirk, Sam Robbens and Councillor Mark Dannatt with an artist's impression of the completed work
Work on a £400,000 improvement project in Skegness is soon to get underway.

Tower Esplanade in Skegness is set to be transformed, thanks to the project from East Lindsey District Council.

The innovative scheme will include installation of iconic curved street lighting, incorporating state of the art LED colour changing lighting and image projection which will have the ability to create a variety of themed projection light shows whilst improving lighting to the Esplanade area.

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The Council has appointed J. McCann & Co. Ltd and supplier, D.W Windsor to complete the lighting works which are anticipated to be complete by early 2020. Contractor J. McCann has worked similar large scale public realm schemes across the country and gained plaudits for their work on delivering ‘The Brilliance Project’ in Blackpool.

Alongside the new lighting scheme, existing street furniture along Tower Esplanade will be replaced with contemporary granite and hardwood seating, new stainless steel litter bins, bollards and wayfinding signage. The works will be finished off with a new planting scheme and surface treatment of footpaths, creating a cleaner, vibrant setting and recognising the important role Tower Esplanade plays as the gateway to the Foreshore.

Portfolio Holder for Coastal Economy at East Lindsey District Council, Councillor Steve Kirk, said: “It is fantastic to see that these works will soon get underway, the whole project is very exciting for Skegness and will revolutionise the look of our Foreshore. This is one of the first major projects to come out of our Masterplan and we are committed to delivering the projects identified within it and ensuring that Skegness remains one of the country’s leading seaside resorts.”

Mayor of Skegness, Councillor Mark Dannatt, said: “It’s great to see that works will soon start on this exciting project, which will be welcomed by the local community and visitors to the resort. It is important that there is continued investment in Skegness so it retains its position as a leading visitor destination.”

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The works are the latest step in implementing the Skegness Foreshore Masterplan, which was adopted by the Council in December 2018. A number of works identified in the Masterplan have already been completed, including: the installation of a new concealed waste compound, to help manage litter in the resort during the busy summer season; and repainting all railings, shelters and street furniture in the historic areas of the Foreshore to dark green and cream, reflecting the colours previously used in the resort.

Lisa Collins, Lincolnshire Coastal Destination BID Manager, said: “We are delighted to see the next phase of the work starting, this will make a significant difference to Tower Esplanade and improve the main approach to the beach. The new lighting scheme is a very welcome addition and will become a feature in its own right with its ability to use projection as well as lighting.

“The new cream and green colour scheme has vastly improved the appearance of the foreshore and we have had many positive comments from visitors over the summer months, the next phase of the improvements will further add to improving the area. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership to continually strive to improve and enhance the foreshore.”

Paul Dixon, Chair of Skegness Business Area Chamber, added: “Skegness Area Business Chamber are enthusiastic to see the improvements that East Lindsey have committed to for the Foreshore. Businesses together with the Local Authority are ideally placed to invest in the infrastructure and projects that will ensure that Skegness can retain its place as one of the top UK seaside destinations.”